Do-it-yourself bath construction: at the cottage in stages
Each person at least once in his life visited a sauna or steam room. The sensations of being in a hot bath cannot be forgotten. Bath procedures promote rejuvenation and ...
Interior design and decor ideas with photo
Each person at least once in his life visited a sauna or steam room. The sensations of being in a hot bath cannot be forgotten. Bath procedures promote rejuvenation and ...
The arrangement of the bath is the final stage of its construction. It implies interior decoration. Most often, wooden lining or boards are used for this ...
Summer and winter vacations in the country are not least associated with bath vacations. In Russia and many countries of the world such an option ...
The bathhouse was the main "wash" place in many countries, from the Middle Ages to the advent of centralized water supply.In modern times, such a structure is intended, first of all ...
For a long time, a mystical halo surrounded the Russian bathhouse. Here, not only washed, but also divined on holidays. The bathhouse had its own “variety” of brownie ...
The bathhouse is a special building where it is washed and soared, healed and relieves fatigue. In Russian villages, it is often the only "wash" place. Usually this…